Recent updates

  • ScandiShip 24: The Timetable

    ScandiShip 24: The Timetable

    We’ll be hoping between three countries for this one. Mostly by train and ferry. We hope we can meet a few of you on our travels!

  • ScandiShip: Changes and lessons learned

    ScandiShip: Changes and lessons learned

    Last year’s trip to Australia was an enormous success. But it taught us a lot about how to do these better. So here’s the lessons for this time around…

  • Introducing… Dan the Chemist

    Introducing… Dan the Chemist

    If we want to do explodey things in Sweden, we need a qualified chemist. ShipShape rules seem to require that we restrict party members to a limited number of names. So meet… another Dan. Teacher, …

  • Refighting… The Gunboat War of 1807-14

    Refighting… The Gunboat War of 1807-14

    Backers of the ScandiShip 24 will get exclusive access to a bonus wargaming video. This time round, the ShipShape crew will be refighting parts of an often-overlooked part of the Napoleonic Wars. In this article, Dr Alex Clarke explains why the Gunboat War is getting our attention.