ScandiShip 24: The Timetable

We’ll be hoping between three countries for this one. Mostly by train and ferry. We hope we can meet a few of you on our travels!

DateLocationPrinciple activityDescription
15th JuneStockholmTravelArrive in Stockholm and take the overnight train to Narvik
16th JuneNarvikResearch/MeetupResearch in Narvik. Meet up opportunity with fans in the evening
17th JuneNarvikResearchNarvik museum and site research. Occasional pining for the fjords.
18th JuneNarvikResearchHarstad Guns (via rental car)
19th JuneNarvik/StockhomResearch/TravelResearch then overnight train back to Stockholm
20th JuneStockholm/KarlskogaResearch/TravelStraight from Stockholm to Karlskoga, Alfred Nobel’s Swedish country estate is nearbly.
21st JuneKarlskogaResearch/ChemistryResearch in the extensive libraries alongside chemical experiments research in labs (with thanks to the Swedish Science Museum). Meet up opportunity with fans in the evening
22nd JuneKarlskoga/GothenburgResearch/TravelFleet Museum in Gothenburg
23rd JuneGothenburgResearchGotheborg of Sweden/Nya Alvsborg Fortress
24th JuneGothenburgResearchFleet Museum
25th JuneGothenburg/KarlskronaResearch/TravelCity Museum
26th JuneKarlskronaResearchMaritime Museum. Meet up opportunity with fans in the evening
27th JuneKarlskrona/StockholmTravel/Research
28th JuneStockholmResearch/Talks
29th JuneStockholmResearch
30th JuneStockholmResearch
1st JulyStockholmResearchIncluding discussions and Q&A with Paradox Interactive
2nd JulyStockholm/HelsinkITravel
3rd JulyHelsinkiResearchIncluding Finnish Defence University
4th JulyHelsinkiResearchMeet up opportunity with fans in the evening
5th JulyHelsinkiResearchIncluding large artillery pieces
6th JulyHelskinkResearch
7th JulyReturn

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